La imagen de las carpas, de telas contra el concreto… o contra la acordo de la huelga de maestros en la ciudad de Oaxaca, calles enteras repletas de esos colores calientes donde la gente se cubria del calor por dias…era como un platillo politico que se estaba cocinando y cada vez que le hechaban un nuevo ingrediente estas carpas de lona o tela tomaban otra forma hasta llegar al punto de hervor dodne poco a poco se hiban consumiendo y se aglomeraban en el zocalo. Era un arquitectura emergente que sus condiciones eran dictadas hora por hora por las negociaciones…subian el sueldo 7% se quitaban los de la esquina, no daban prestaciones se ponia una lona amarilla enfrete de la catedral, no ayudaban a los jubilados y derepente las lonas rosas incrementaban su numero y asi susecuentemente como por mas de una semana…hubiera sido interesante una sencion de fotos area de la vida de esta arquitectura.
La imagen de las carpas, de telas contra el concreto… o contra la acordo de la huelga de maestros en la ciudad de Oaxaca, calles enteras repletas de esos colores calientes donde la gente se cubria del calor por dias…era como un platillo politico que se estaba cocinando y cada vez que le hechaban un nuevo ingrediente estas carpas de lona o tela tomaban otra forma hasta llegar al punto de hervor dodne poco a poco se hiban consumiendo y se aglomeraban en el zocalo. Era un arquitectura emergente que sus condiciones eran dictadas hora por hora por las negociaciones…subian el sueldo 7% se quitaban los de la esquina, no daban prestaciones se ponia una lona amarilla enfrete de la catedral, no ayudaban a los jubilados y derepente las lonas rosas incrementaban su numero y asi susecuentemente como por mas de una semana…hubiera sido interesante una sencion de fotos area de la vida de esta arquitectura.
Precisamente a eso me refiero. El espacio político puro, el (un) design a su máximo, el espacio- temporal, desplazamiento de cuerpos, el paisaje del evento como dice Virilio, etc. etc. Gracias por tus comentarios.
I would say it develops an ‘architecture’ of its own accord. It is a space for convergence, which is compliant with several loosely defined (and loosely coupled among themselves) traits and characteristics to be called “swap meet”. But that’s where its compliance and constraints end: aside from that, it has enough dimensions of freedom to permit the exchange and interaction, at various level, of different entities whom, nevertheless, develop constraints, both spatial and behavioral, of their own.
In this way, an architecture (an ontology whose entities acquire a contextual and, as you said, ephemeral meaning, traits, characteristics and possible/valid connections with other entities) develops all by itself, as emergent from the actions/interactions of the elements at play in the swap meet (tents, products offered, the people offering them, the people buying them, the distribution of the tents as well as the spatial distribution of the types of products sold, whether it has or lacks a parking space, how far it is from the actual tents, etc).
The beauty lies, perhaps, in the fact that all of this life emerges from the convergence, in time and space, of several kinds of entities with barely defined goals in mind. This could be said as well of concerts, shopping malls, riots and soccer games
Perhaps this is not as much something essentially different from what constitutes urbanity, but the explicit evidence of its heterogeneous, diverse and ever self-defining nature.
I would say it develops an ‘architecture’ of its own accord. It is a space for convergence, which is compliant with several loosely defined (and loosely coupled among themselves) traits and characteristics to be called “swap meet”. But that’s where its compliance and constraints end: aside from that, it has enough dimensions of freedom to permit the exchange and interaction, at various level, of different entities whom, nevertheless, develop constraints, both spatial and behavioral, of their own.
In this way, an architecture (an ontology whose entities acquire a contextual and, as you said, ephemeral meaning, traits, characteristics and possible/valid connections with other entities) develops all by itself, as emergent from the actions/interactions of the elements at play in the swap meet (tents, products offered, the people offering them, the people buying them, the distribution of the tents as well as the spatial distribution of the types of products sold, whether it has or lacks a parking space, how far it is from the actual tents, etc).
The beauty lies, perhaps, in the fact that all of this life emerges from the convergence, in time and space, of several kinds of entities with barely defined goals in mind. This could be said as well of concerts, shopping malls, riots and soccer games
Perhaps this is not as much something essentially different from what constitutes urbanity, but the explicit evidence of its heterogeneous, diverse and ever self-defining nature.
La imagen de las carpas, de telas contra el concreto… o contra la acordo de la huelga de maestros en la ciudad de Oaxaca, calles enteras repletas de esos colores calientes donde la gente se cubria del calor por dias…era como un platillo politico que se estaba cocinando y cada vez que le hechaban un nuevo ingrediente estas carpas de lona o tela tomaban otra forma hasta llegar al punto de hervor dodne poco a poco se hiban consumiendo y se aglomeraban en el zocalo. Era un arquitectura emergente que sus condiciones eran dictadas hora por hora por las negociaciones…subian el sueldo 7% se quitaban los de la esquina, no daban prestaciones se ponia una lona amarilla enfrete de la catedral, no ayudaban a los jubilados y derepente las lonas rosas incrementaban su numero y asi susecuentemente como por mas de una semana…hubiera sido interesante una sencion de fotos area de la vida de esta arquitectura.
La imagen de las carpas, de telas contra el concreto… o contra la acordo de la huelga de maestros en la ciudad de Oaxaca, calles enteras repletas de esos colores calientes donde la gente se cubria del calor por dias…era como un platillo politico que se estaba cocinando y cada vez que le hechaban un nuevo ingrediente estas carpas de lona o tela tomaban otra forma hasta llegar al punto de hervor dodne poco a poco se hiban consumiendo y se aglomeraban en el zocalo. Era un arquitectura emergente que sus condiciones eran dictadas hora por hora por las negociaciones…subian el sueldo 7% se quitaban los de la esquina, no daban prestaciones se ponia una lona amarilla enfrete de la catedral, no ayudaban a los jubilados y derepente las lonas rosas incrementaban su numero y asi susecuentemente como por mas de una semana…hubiera sido interesante una sencion de fotos area de la vida de esta arquitectura.
Precisamente a eso me refiero. El espacio político puro, el (un) design a su máximo, el espacio- temporal, desplazamiento de cuerpos, el paisaje del evento como dice Virilio, etc. etc. Gracias por tus comentarios.
I would say it develops an ‘architecture’ of its own accord. It is a space for convergence, which is compliant with several loosely defined (and loosely coupled among themselves) traits and characteristics to be called “swap meet”.
But that’s where its compliance and constraints end: aside from that, it has enough dimensions of freedom to permit the exchange and interaction, at various level, of different entities whom, nevertheless, develop constraints, both spatial and behavioral, of their own.
In this way, an architecture (an ontology whose entities acquire a contextual and, as you said, ephemeral meaning, traits, characteristics and possible/valid connections with other entities) develops all by itself, as emergent from the actions/interactions of the elements at play in the swap meet (tents, products offered, the people offering them, the people buying them, the distribution of the tents as well as the spatial distribution of the types of products sold, whether it has or lacks a parking space, how far it is from the actual tents, etc).
The beauty lies, perhaps, in the fact that all of this life emerges from the convergence, in time and space, of several kinds of entities with barely defined goals in mind. This could be said as well of concerts, shopping malls, riots and soccer games
Perhaps this is not as much something essentially different from what constitutes urbanity, but the explicit evidence of its heterogeneous, diverse and ever self-defining nature.
I enjoyed your post.
I would say it develops an ‘architecture’ of its own accord. It is a space for convergence, which is compliant with several loosely defined (and loosely coupled among themselves) traits and characteristics to be called “swap meet”.
But that’s where its compliance and constraints end: aside from that, it has enough dimensions of freedom to permit the exchange and interaction, at various level, of different entities whom, nevertheless, develop constraints, both spatial and behavioral, of their own.
In this way, an architecture (an ontology whose entities acquire a contextual and, as you said, ephemeral meaning, traits, characteristics and possible/valid connections with other entities) develops all by itself, as emergent from the actions/interactions of the elements at play in the swap meet (tents, products offered, the people offering them, the people buying them, the distribution of the tents as well as the spatial distribution of the types of products sold, whether it has or lacks a parking space, how far it is from the actual tents, etc).
The beauty lies, perhaps, in the fact that all of this life emerges from the convergence, in time and space, of several kinds of entities with barely defined goals in mind. This could be said as well of concerts, shopping malls, riots and soccer games
Perhaps this is not as much something essentially different from what constitutes urbanity, but the explicit evidence of its heterogeneous, diverse and ever self-defining nature.
I enjoyed your post.