After five months at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, I returned to Tijuana to spend the holiday with the family. I like to drive around the city, see changes, and what is going up regarding residential towers. I suspect that many projects have slowed their construction schedule, while others could not begin due to the Covid19 crisis.

However, as I drive around, I can see new towers in the same “hot” zones near the city’s economic center and close to the US/MX port of entry. If you drive through the streets of Tijuana, you will see that the city has not slowed down. Vehicular traffic and pedestrians seem to be operating at pre-pandemic levels. Many restaurants and cafes are open for business, and especially the street food stalls seem to have not seized to operate during 2020.

With this reluctance of the population to stay home, as of December 2020, Tijuana has reported 2300 deaths due to Covid19 while San Diego county only reporting 1400. San Diego county surpasses Tijuana by 1 million residents and has an urban footprint almost three times large.