My daughter Angela and I went on a night stroll in our neighborhood, Colonia Hipodromo. It’s a middle-class community next to the racetrack (now the Cholos soccer stadium) and near to the border. Even with the pandemic, most shops on the main drag are open and with lots of people. When I was very young I would visit this street to eat tacos with my father after a day at the races, the taco stand is still there since 1970. The small stand was the only commercial place in what was a residential street. As in many of the neighborhoods in Tijuana, the commercial zoning was not part of the planning. As time went by some houses became restaurants and shops others were demolished to build pharmacies and markets. Today there is a push for high-rise apartment buildings in the area however the community is against them. I have started using the Sony RX100 VII a great pocket size camera with 4k Video.