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Month: November 2006

Image; Rene Peralta

On the left the aircraft carrier USS Midway Museum docked in San Diego on the right the Salk Institute courtyard in La Jolla, California

Panacean Landscapes

Within the vastness and depth of the Pacific Ocean, San Diego geography and geopolitical perspective are strategies of extension – politics of the horizontal.

Image; Rene Peralta

On the left the aircraft carrier USS Midway Museum docked in San Diego on the right the Salk Institute courtyard in La Jolla, California

Panacean Landscapes

Within the vastness and depth of the Pacific Ocean, San Diego geography and geopolitical perspective are strategies of extension – politics of the horizontal.

Acuerdo Migratorio

Con el boom inmobiliario en la costa del baja triangle (Tijuana- Rosarito-Ensenada) – los mexicanos no tendrán que cruzar ( legal o ilegal) a Estados Unidos a cortar el pasto del gringo – ahora se lo van a cortar en México!

Thanks to the silent invasion of the baby-boomers from the north, however, much of the natural history and frontier culture of Baja could be swept away in the next generation. One of the world’s most magnificent wild coastlines could be turned into generic tourist sprawl, waiting for Dunkin’ Donuts to open. Locals, accordingly, have every reason to fear that today’s mega-resorts and mock-colonial suburbs, like FONATUR’s entire tourism-centered strategy of regional development, are merely the latest Trojan horses of Manifest Destiny.

Mike Davis

En el mes de Noviembre estare subiendo imagenes y textos sobre los eventos de

In the month of November I will be posting images and texts regarding the event

Otra/Another – Habitando la Frontera / Inhabiting the Border

en el blog

En el mes de Noviembre estare subiendo imagenes y textos sobre los eventos de

In the month of November I will be posting images and texts regarding the event

Otra/Another – Habitando la Frontera / Inhabiting the Border

en el blog