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Day: May 26, 2009

Please Bore me to death!

“But although one wants to do nothing, things are done to one; the world makes sure that one does not find oneself. And even if one perhaps isn’t interested in it, the world itself is much too interested for one to find the peace and quite necessary to be as thoroughly bored with the world as it ultimately deserves.

But what if one refuses to allow one self to be chased away? Then boredom becomes only proper occupation, since it provides a kind of guarantee that one is, so to speak, still in control of one’s own existence. If one never bored, one would presumably not really be present at all and would thus be merely on more object of boredom, as was a claim at the outset.. One would light up on the rooftops or spool by a filmstrip. But if indeed one is present, one would have no choice but to be bored by the ubiquitous abstract racket that does not allow one to exist, and at the same time, to find oneself boring for exsiting in it.”

Siegfried Kracauer, Boredom (1924)